How to Fast

How to Fast

So you’ve decided it is worth it to try a fast. Now how to get started? It’s actually pretty simple you just don’t eat and possibly don’t drink for some amount of time. It will be easier with a bit of planning though.

Generally for me at least I can go without food and even water for one day without much discomfort. After this there is a couple days where it gets harder as your body starts to crave Carbohydrates. After 4 days you actually won’t really feel hungry anymore unless you are smelling a bunch of food or something.

Step One is to Record your reasons for the Fast.

Why do you want to do it? What are you hoping to gain? Do you want specific incite or just to be able to more strongly feel the God’s presence? What type of fast will you try? How long will you attempt to fast for?

I could also email you the printable Fast Logbook by entering your email below.

Much of what can be gained through Fasting will be in the form of dreams. They always get way more intense for me and I am able to remember them with a dream journal. I would recommend you start one as well.

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